Part of the project H Like Horses, with cultural scientist Marion Mangelsdorf, shown in exhibition "Animal Turn" at Stadtgalerie Waldkraiburg (Sept 2015 - Jan 2016).
Elements :
Series of black and white photographs, gelatin silver prints (each 50cm x 51cm)
Wall drawing, pencil (size variable)
In Waldszene, Ines Lechleitner and Marion Mangelsdorf turn more intensively to the question of finding a language. They describe this new chapter, developed especially for the exhibition in Waldkraiburg as follows:
Intermediate Spaces
between Body Language and Media
We devote ourselves to body language and media and use these to enter various intermediate spaces: between ourselves as researchers, and between us and the horses. Using different media, we set off on the trail of the body language of encounters: in moving pictures, photographs, phenomenological descriptions of perception, and drawings.
What, we ask, happens in the dialogue of the media between themselves? What body-language aspects can one or the other medium bring out more effectively? Which body-language qualities can we ourselves communicate through which media and how? What attitudes can be read from these intermedia experimental set-ups: on the part of the horses toward their surroundings, between the horses themselves, between the horses and us, us and the horses, among ourselves, and towards the media we have chosen?
Here we focus on photography as a particular narrative form, turning towards particular moments that took place in the clearing of a wood in the field created by different forms of presence and absence, of passivity and activity, of visibility and concealment, and of tension and relaxation.

Waldszene- fig.13
installation views of Waldszene, in "Animal Turn", Stadtgalerie Waldkraiburg DE
pencil wall drawing based on communication diagram with Marion Mangelsdorf
Waldszene: fig.2, fig.9, fig.16