Sense Correspondence, 2011-2016

Current project based on the exchange of ideas and materials with artists, scientists and writers.



Eat The Film!, 2016: experimental culinary screening of Cooking Through a Collection

Cooking Through a Collection, 2015: video

Activations, 2012: video

Under Water Food Signs, 2012: performance and installation

Table of Contents, 2011: exhibition and radio feature

Un fruit pour la main droite, 2011: installation in three parts: part 1: video, sound and perfume;
part 2: wall painting and drawing; part 3: performance / independant preface to the project

still from the video Activations showing four drawings by Ellie Ga

For her current project Sense Correspondence Ines Lechleitner has invited artists,
scientists and writers to participate by sending her a description of a sensory experience in
drawing, sound or text.

The project investigates the interchangeability between the human senses, how each sense
relates to the others and how one sensory experience can be evoked through another.
The request was modified and adjusted in accordance to each addressee’s work and context.
The material received by 45 contributors exists as an ongoing collection of ideas.

In the Sense Correspondence project testimonies of synesthetic experiences are activated in order to create new work. It explores the passage from one sense to another as well as from one person to another. It’s an artistic interpretation and implies the circulation of sense- as significance and sensation.


Contributors to the Sense Correspondence project: Bill Aitchison, Gilles Aubry, Anthony Auerbach, Fran Bartkowski, Chloë Brown, Cathrine Clover, Chris Cobb, Discoteca Flaming Star, Lucia Di Iorio, Karni Dorell, Christine Elsinger, Ellie Ga, Dani Gal, Cristina Gomez Barrio, Raphaël Grisey, Beatrice Gross, Saara Hacklin, Christine Hartl Prager, Klara Hobza, Silke Hennig, Peter Jap Lim, Jaspar Joseph-Lester, Erwan Kerzanet, Luise Kubelka, Anja Manfredi, Sebastian Meise, Karolin Meunier, Hellen Miller, Stephane Montavon, Christl Mundrak, Alex Müller, Florence Obrecht, Julie Oredam, Luke Rendell, Alain Ricard, Anne Robatel, Maya Roos, Saprophyt, Mélisandre Schofield, Salome Schmucki, Anna Soucek, Alina Viola Tas, Kathrin Wildner, Anita Witek, Laboni Quazi


Works by Ines Lechleitner constituting the Sense Correspondence project: for full version please click on title or image.


Cooking Through a Collection, 2015:

still from the video Cooking Through a Collection, 2015

Eat The Film!, 2016:

Memory Strudel to be served during the culinary screening experiment Eat The Film! at Entretempo Kitchen Gallery Berlin, 2016

Activations, 2012:

stills from the video Activations

Under Water Food Signs, 2012:

Performance by Ines Lechleitner with Klara Hobza during opening of the show The Imagines, Galerie Metro, April 2012, Berlin DE

Table of Contents, 2011:

Poster for the show Table of Content, Saprophyt, June 2011, Vienna AT

Un fruit pour la main droite, 2011:

Un fruit pour la main droite Part III: Culinary Performance by Ines Lechleitner with Élodie Boutry: step 1, during show Convivio, Centre d'art contemporain la Micro'Onde, May 2011, Vélizy FR